The State Local Cybersecurity Grant Program is open for applications.
Register for the informational webinar here.
The Program Objectives and Goals are as follows:
The FY 2024 SLCGP addresses the 2020-2024 DHS Strategic Plan by helping DHS achieve Goal 3: Secure Cyberspace and Critical Infrastructure. This includes Objective 3.3: Assess and Counter Evolving Cybersecurity Risks.
Additionally, the FY 2024 SLCGP supports the 2022-2026 FEMA Strategic Plan, which outlines a bold vision with three ambitious goals, including Goal 3: Promote and Sustain a Ready FEMA and Prepared Nation, under which falls Objective 3.2: Posture FEMA to meet current and emergent threats. The FY 2024 SLCGP also aligns with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) 2024–2025 Strategic Plan, which encompasses Goal 1: Cyber Defense, Goal 2: Risk Reduction and Resilience and Goal 3: Operational Collaboration.
These broad outcomes are listed in logical sequence to aid recipients in focusing on the overall intent of the SLCGP. These outcomes will help establish priorities the use of scarce resources.
There are several allowable and unallowable uses for these funds, and we are hosting this webinar to help answer any questions and provide you with offerings to consider when applying for these funds. We've asked the Department of Homeland Security several clarifying questions so you don't have to. Join us on Friday to learn more and get funds you need to protect your districts.
Register here!